Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Let's make some music!

Old McDonald had a farm,
and on that farm he had a sheep,
with a baa baa here
and a baa baa there,
here a baa, there a baa,
everywhere a baa baa.
Old McDonald had a farm,

Sunday, 15 November 2009

This term our topic is On The Farm

The children learnt about the food that is grown on a farm. They opened their own farmers market to sell some of this food.

Friday, 2 October 2009

We made sheep

We have been learning about animals that live on a farm. The children were able to identify a sheep from a set of farm animals and can describe it in simple terms.
"It has white wool and is soft"
"It is fluffy"
"The sheep goes baa"
We made sheep using cotton wool and card. You can see them on display in the nursery.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Two new guinea pigs

We were very sad when Honey, our nursery guinea pig, died. She had been a school pet for four years and meant a great deal to many of the children.
To celebrate the start of our new school year Nursery has welcomed two new arrivals and we hope they will soon become as well loved as Honey. Our two new guinea pigs have been named Daisy and Clover and they have already made themselves at home in the nursery.

The start of a new school year 2009 - 2010

Over the last few weeks we have gradually welcomed many new children to the nursery. They have been busy exploring the nursery classroom and making new friends.

They have enjoyed sharing a book whilst sat on our new red sofa.

While the weather is still nice the children have used chalk to draw shapes and pictures across the playground floor.

The children have practiced using scissors to make decorative collages.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Sunny days in Nursery

At last the sun is shining and we can really start to enjoy our outside space.

We mixed up our own slime and made patterns using our fingers

We know how important it is to wear an apron to protect our clothes and keep us dry.

We pretend to have a busy day at the office typing out e-mails to our friends.
Then finish our session with a nice cup of tea!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Malleable activities

Manford nursery loves using gloop!

The children help to mix cornflour, water and food colouring, until the mixture has a custard like consistency.

They can stir it, run their fingers through it, squeeze the mixture into a solid, then open their fingers and let the gloop run out like a liquid.

Using gloop in class encourages talk. The children show each other what they are doing and use description to explain what is happening.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Message in a bottle

The children received a special letter from Captain Sunshine. We found it in a bottle, floating in our role play sea.

The letter inspired the children to write messages to the Captain telling him all about their friends. We rolled up the letters and threw them into the sea.

The children were very happy when they received individual letters and many of the children wrote 2 or 3 letters to the Captain over the following week.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Nursery Open Day

Parents were invited to join their children at Nursery. They were able to see some of the activities their children take part in as well as learn about the daily routines their children follow.
The children really enjoyed sharing their day with their family!